Moving forward is the hardest thing to do sometimes. You know what you want to accomplish, you might even have a clear idea how to get there but everything in between seems to slow you down.
I mentioned in a previous post that I had a second project in the works. This project, titled “Children of Wrath”, has been in the writing phase for over a year. I have worked on the script since I have been here but it really took me getting into this world to complete it. After returning from my adventure in Patagonia I knew I had the material I needed in my head to finish.
The past month and a half has been just that. Taking everything that has been in my head, swimming around, and put it on paper. Draft 3 as it is called was completed 2 weeks ago. I would love to go into the whole process of writing this script but I will try to simplify it a bit:
First step was the idea and then came the outline. The outline consisted of every story, (“plot”), point, step-by-step written down. This constituted the skeleton of the script. In between those two came the characters stories. This being a very heavily character driven story, the characters had to be given life before I could write a word of the script. I wanted to make sure they were complete in my mind before anything else. After I felt satisfied with those things I started on the script. As I mentioned it was a long process and took some real soul searching on my own to get to the meat of the story. I will say there are some still things I am exploring but for the main part it is complete.
Now we are moving into the pre-production phase of this project and are looking for financing. That old devil, always at my doorstep, never seems to get any easier to conquer. This time around, we are moving forward with a solid business plan. Because that is how movies have to be looked at, a new business. Every new film is like starting a new business. At first no one knows who you are or what you are selling. The hope is by the end you have a whole new slew of customers.
In order to reassure our customers we have something good to offer we are trying to pre-package this product with great incentives, (the customers I am referring to right now are our potential investors, in the future our customers will be you, the audience). In order to gain incentives I am currently working on setting up casting sessions here in Argentina. One incentive is to go after so more recognizable Argentinian actors. These can possibly be movie or television personalities. The idea with that is that if we can get them then we have something to market along with an awesome movie of course.
I am currently seeking a second producer to work alongside of me here in Argentina and also a second producer to work with in the states. I have a great producer right now back in the states. Leo Santaiti, is a longtime friend and great actor. He has over the last 4 years moved more in the direction of producing and project development. It is amazing to have him on my team. He is the kind of person who sees the big picture through the lens of business. Something every creative person needs but doesn’t always have. I have trained myself over the years to see things this way as well but it is not natural for me. That’s where he comes in.
If all goes according to plan, I will: return to the states in November to seek funding, assembly the rest of my US team and return to Argentina at the beginning of next year and start rehearsals in February. Film would commence in March. That is if all goes according to plan and the creek don’t rise. God I love this job.